Lecture 1.5: Git

The lecture notes for this lecture are a bit different. This lecture is heavily inspired on an article and lecture given in Cambridge.

Therefore, I'd like to refer you to the original video lecture:

And the original article:


It, and the lecture we gave are both licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.


  • We also talked about how to use CLion and git within a Rust project
  • Custom part about remotes, with Gitlab, and merge requests

Extra: Git aliases

In the lecture, I used an alias called git nicelog. To make such an alias, you can apply the following instructions (on linux). On windows, it will be similar, but I can't test the details, so you may need to apply some trial and error.

  • Make a directory called scripts anywhere on your systems. The name doesn't need to be scripts, but that's what I like to do.
  • Add this directory to your path. To do this, edit a file called .bashrc or .zshrc (hidden file in your home directory) and add the following to it:
    • export PATH="/path/to/your/scripts:$PATH" and replace the path with the absolute path to your scripts directory
    • Note that you may need to reopen your terminal after this, or run source ~/.bashrc/source ~/.zshrc
  • now, make a file in the scripts directory called git-nicelog (name needs to start with git, then a - and then the name of your alias)
  • Put the following in the file:
fn main() {
git log --all --graph --decorate
  • The first is to say that it's a bash script, and the second line is the command to execute instead of git nicelog.
  • Now make the file executable using chmod +x git-nicelog.
  • Now, anywhere on your system, type git nicelog