The founding father of this course is Arjan van Gemund, who is now enjoying the fine life of a retired professor. He conceived the lab back in 2006, and guided numerous people in implementing essential building blocks (HW and SW) for several generations of quadcopters. Marc de Hoop, Sijmen Woutersen, Mark Dufour, Tom Janssen, Michel Wilson, Widita Budhysusanto, Tiemen Schreuder, Matias Escudero Martinez, Shekhar Gupta, and Imran Ashraf all contributed in one way or another. Despite their fine work, it was decided to overhaul the FPGA-based quad-rotor platform (from Aerovinci) completely, as it was costly to maintain and technology had moved on quite a bit. Cheap, powerful microcontrollers readily available, and accurate sensing out of the box allowed for a radical new design as undertaken by Ioannis Protonotarios (HW + low-level software) and Sujay Narayana (software beta tester), leading to conception of the Quadrupel drone in 2016.