
To pass the course each team must successfully design, demonstrate, and document a QR control system (as mentioned earlier), as described in the assignment. The lecture slides and an extensive set of relevant information (documentation, links, software) collected on the Project Resources page are available for reference. Project Deliverables and Grading The project deliverables are

  • Demonstrator: Your project will be assessed in the final lab session (week 3.9). During this session your code, as is, has to be demonstrated on the Quadrupel drone in order to obtain your grade for the demonstrator (D, makes up 75% of the total course grade G). NOTE: no demo, no grade.
  • Technical Report: The technical report must be submitted in PDF format (max 10 pages, including figures, tables, appendices, see assignment document) on your git repository, by SUNDAY THE 13th of April. The report must contain everything you deem relevant. The point here is that a team must be able to communicate all information relevant to the project within 10 pages. The report makes up 25% of your grade (R). The course grade G equals G = 0.75 D + 0.25 R iff D >= 5 and R >= 5, otherwise the course is failed, and no grade is submitted to the administration. Reports that are submitted after the deadline will not be accepted, (i.e., R = 0, which implies you fail the course!).
  • Source Code: Each team must submit all their source files at the time of the actual demonstration BY 13th OF APRIL on their git repository (the last commit before the deadline counts). The purpose of this is to check for fraud and to evaluate the nature of each student's personal code contribution to the team result.

Also look at Handing In.

NOTE: other sources of information submitted with the source code such as figures, tables, log files, etc., effectively using the folder as a backdoor to complement the team report with additional data that didn't fit into the hard 10-page limit, will be ignored.

Grading of the demonstrator

Your final grade (the D part) consists of several parts. Together, safety features, manual mode, and full control can get you to a 6.0. On top of that, raw mode can get you up to 2 points, height control up to 1 , wireless up to 1, and your gui and any extra features come together to another point. This is, of course, capped at a 10.