Domain-Specific Languages (DSL)

The DSL assignment can be found in this Jupyter Notebook.

There has been an update in the assignment notebook: In the first codebox under Model Validation property_checker.visit(tree_invalid_program) should be property_checker.transform(tree_invalid_program).

Everything below is also covered in the assignment notebook.


Create a 6-dsl directory, and in this directory an examples/ folder for the examples you should provide.

Your 6-dsl directory should contain the following:

  • Your Jupyter Notebook including code for: your grammar, your model validation, and your code generation.
  • The One plane, default configuration example program + Rust project folder with generated code.
  • The One plane, special configuration example program + Rust project folder with generated code.
  • The Two plane, default configuration example program.
  • The Two plane, special configuration example program.

Functional examples

You should provide the following examples, written in your DSL. For the one plane examples also provide the generated code.

In total you should provide 2 one plane examples (with generated code) and 2 two plane examples. The examples should encode the following cases:

  1. One plane, default configuration

    • Pedal mapping:
      1. low dose
      2. high dose
      3. unused
    • High dose should override low dose
  2. One plane, special configuration

    • Pedal mapping:
      1. unused
      2. low dose
      3. high dose
    • Earliest pressed pedal has priority.
  3. Two plane, default configuration

    • Pedal mapping:
      1. low dose, frontal projection
      2. low dose, lateral projection
      3. low dose, biplane projection
      4. high dose on the selected projection
      5. toggle selected projection (round robin)
      6. unused
    • High dose overrides low dose
    • Selection pedal should toggle between frontal, lateral and biplane projection in that order
    • Selection pedal only toggles when no pedal is pressed
  4. Two plane, special configuration

    • Pedal mapping:
      1. unused
      2. high dose, frontal projection
      3. high dose, lateral projection
      4. low dose on the selected projection
      5. toggle selected projection (round robin)
      6. high dose, biplane projection
    • Low dose overrides everything except high dose biplane
    • Selection pedal should toggle between frontal, biplane and lateral projection in that order
    • Selection pedal should only toggle when low dose pedal is pressed

If your DSL cannot model some of the examples then provide an alternative example of your DSL with an explanation of how you change the static configuration and the dynamic logic. In total you should still have 2 one plane examples (with generated code), and 2 two plane examples.

Example Use of Simulator

Consult the documentation of the package for additional help.

In Cargo.toml:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

# this is the simulation library
tudelft-xray-sim = "1.0.1"

# logging libraries
simple_logger = "4.0.0"
log = "0.4"

In src/

// Import types from the simulation library.
use tudelft_xray_sim::*;
// Import enum variants to make this example a bit easier to read.
use Dose::*;
use Mode::*;
use Projection::*;

use log::info;

fn main() {
    // Initialize logger.
    // Run simulation with your own implementation of the control logic.

/// Example control logic for a two plane system.
/// The pedal mapping is based on the example mapping given in the DSL assignment.
struct Logic {
    /// keep track of the selected projection
    selected: Projection,
    // you can have whatever other information that you want here

impl PedalMapper for Logic {
    /// We use an associated type to determine which pedal enum is used.
    /// Single-plane systems use the `ThreePedals` enum, while
    /// two-plane systems use `SixPedals`.
    /// Whether you used the correct type is checked at compile time.
    type Pedals = SixPedals;

    fn on_press(&self, pedal: Self::Pedals) -> Option<Request> {
        use SixPedals::*;
        Some(match pedal {
            // 3 pedals for low dose X-ray streaming video (one for each projection)
            Pedal1 => Request::start(Frontal, Low, Video),
            Pedal2 => Request::start(Lateral, Low, Video),
            Pedal3 => Request::start(Biplane, Low, Video),
            // 1 pedal to select the high dose projection in a round-robin fashion
            Pedal4 => Request::toggle_selected_projection(),
            // 1 pedal for high dose X-ray streaming video
            Pedal5 => Request::start_selected_projection(High, Video),
            // 1 pedal for high dose X-ray single image
            Pedal6 => Request::start_selected_projection(High, Image),

    fn on_release(&self, pedal: Self::Pedals) -> Option<Request> {
        use SixPedals::*;
        Some(match pedal {
            Pedal1 => Request::stop(Frontal, Low, Video),
            Pedal2 => Request::stop(Lateral, Low, Video),
            Pedal3 => Request::stop(Biplane, Low, Video),
            Pedal4 => return None, // nothing happens when we release pedal 3
            Pedal5 => Request::stop_selected_projection(High, Video),
            Pedal6 => Request::stop_selected_projection(High, Image),

impl ActionLogic<true> for Logic {
    /// Naive implementation of request handling which does not handle
    /// multiple pedals being pressed at once.
    fn handle_request(&mut self, request: Request, controller: &mut Controller<true>) {
        // This is how you can get access to the planes in case you want to inspect their status.
        let _frontal = controller.frontal();
        let _lateral = controller.lateral();

        // Custom logging of requests.
        info!("Processing request: {request:?}");

        // In your own code (as well as the code that you generate),
        // you should do checks before using the controller to
        // start and stop X-rays.
        match request {
            Request::Start {
            } => {
                controller.activate_xray(projection, dose, mode);

            Request::Stop { .. } => controller.deactivate_xray(),

            Request::ToggleSelectedProjection => {
                self.selected = match self.selected {
                    Frontal => Lateral,
                    Lateral => Biplane,
                    Biplane => Frontal,
                info!("Selected: {:?}", self.selected);

            Request::StartSelectedProjection { dose, mode } => {
                controller.activate_xray(self.selected, dose, mode)

            Request::StopSelectedProjection { .. } => controller.deactivate_xray(),