Installing itemis CREATE


To be able to use itemis CREATE after the 30-day trial period it is necessary to obtain the academic license. The steps for doing so are explained below.

After you have submitted your application for the license it can take up to 7 days for your application to be reviewed. We advise you to install the software as soon as possible to be able to work on your assignments.

Download itemis CREATE

  1. Navigate to the website for itemis CREATE
  3. Input your details and student email and download the software

Obtain the Academic License

  1. Navigate to Licenses
  2. Press GET IT NOW
  3. Input your details and student email and submit
  4. Check your email and follow the instructions there

After your application has been reviewed you will receive an email with your license in an .lic format.

Activating your academic license

  1. Open itemis CREATE
  2. Select Window|Preferences
  3. Press on Version control | itemis CREATE Licenses
  4. Press on Import Version file and browse to the location of your license .lic file
  5. At this point, your trial period should have increase to 365 days, and your license is updated