For this tutorial we will be using the official itemis CREATE documentation.

User Guide

Familiarize yourself with the User Guide.

Read the first two chapters and then move on to the comprehensive tutorial below.

Comprehensive Tutorial

Go through the Comprehensive Tutorial. It covers the basic concepts of itemis CREATE and how to create a finite state machine diagram inside the tool.

After the tutorial you can begin the FSM modeling assignment. If you get stuck, try looking in the User Guide first before asking a TA.

Lecture Examples

In the FSM lecture some example FSM's have been shown to you. It could be useful to simulate these examples in itemis CREATE yourself. That is why we provide you with the project files of the examples used in the slides. You can download the corresponding .zip file here.

The .zip file contains two project folders: HSS_examples/ and Light_examples/. See instructions on how to import the projects below. Once the projects are imported you can the run simulations.

How to Import the itemis CREATE Projects

  1. Extract the fsm_slides_examples.zip file.
  2. When starting itemis CREATE, select the fsm_slides_examples directory you made as the workspace directory.
  3. Once YAKINDU has launched, Click on File > Import
  4. Select General > Existing Projects Into Workspace and click Next.
  5. Choose Select root directory.
  6. Browse to the fsm_slides_examples directory (the one which has subdirectories HSS_examples/ and Light_examples/).
  7. Make sure both projects are selected (checkboxes are checked).
  8. Click on Finish.
  9. You should now be able to open the .ysc files.
  10. If you get a pop-up about whether to Copy or Link the files, choose to link.