This page will be updated for this year's edition of the course soon!


In this tutorial we will be following this Xtext manual.


Read and complete up to and including section 3.3.

This covers Xtext installation and what you will need to define a grammar for your domain-specific language. This should take around 2 hours at a slow pace.

After you are done, you can try doing the first part of the DSL modeling assignment.

Code Generation

Read the rest of the manual (3.4 onwards).

The rest of the manual covers validation, code generation, scoping, and some extra features. Reading and implementation should take about 3 hours at a relaxed pace.

When you get to Section 3.7 Validation, you can skip the Java code. If you have been following the manual up to now you will have Xtend files so the Java code will not work.

After you're done, try doing second part of the DSL modeling assignment.