The assignments for the second half of the course will use the same groups as the first part.
There will be three group assignments (UML, FSM, and DSL) and one individual assignment Reflection.
The modeling assignments for the Software Systems course are inspired by Philips interventional X-ray systems used for (minimally-invasive) medical procedures. A description of such systems can be found in System Description. If you want more background information, you can optionally look at the paper linked below:
Early Fault Detection in Industry Using Models at Various Abstraction Levels
The grading criteria for each assignment are:
- Your solutions properly use specific model-based techniques.
- Your solutions (including modeling decisions) adequately model the system of interest.
IMPORTANT: System descriptions are often imprecise and incomplete, in this assignment and practice. Please record any questions that pop up during modeling as far as you would like to discuss them with an application domain expert. Please also record the decisions you have made during modeling until you get more clarity from domain experts.
HINTS: We will check the following aspects in your final submission (UML diagrams). Please make sure your diagrams follow these generic points.
Component diagram: (a) Use of assembly notation (connected with interfaces); (b) All interfaces with exactly one component; (c) No use case diagram symbols (generalization) or illegal arrows (solid).
Class Diagram: (a) All associations have a correct name; (b) All associations or aggregation/composition have a cardinality; (c) All attributes have a data type; (d) No circular containment relations; (e) Class attributes do not duplicate relations.
Sequence diagram: (a) Use of and correct activations; (b) No illegal arrows; (c) All synchronous calls with return; (d) Asynchronous call without return.